Tuesday, September 23, 2008

peanutbutter crazy

the absurd

I have been in Memphis for a couple weeks now and I have had plenty of time to think...

Man...Vegas was absurd. I could tell you stories...hell, I could write books...but one incident I thinks best illustrates how just plain silly things were.

There was a moment where I found myself in a kitchen, alone, with a chef-who was the source of my ire, and I was coming unglued. That alone wouldn't have been of note, but he was eating a peanut butter sandwich. So I am yelling at this guy and he is smirking into his peanut butter.

It was one of those life affirming situations...where the point was as pointless as goo slapped between bread...and somewhere on the tail end of my rant it all came clear...
and as I slinked away and he finished his sandwich I said

"The only place I like to be humilated is in bed"

he laughed. and I blushed into my apron.

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