Monday, August 13, 2007

A clown by any other name...

Dear Circus Freak,

"Many and most of the images and media that FOX and News corp creates are destructive to our society, many images provoke and glorify Violence and unhealthy sexual relations. This is eating away at the cohesion of our families, or society, and our way of life."

I have problems with this statement. This could be a quote taken from some Fox news talking head in reference to the so-called "liberal" media. It is also a statement that is incredibly dangerous because your words mirror the words used by Right Wing moralist thugs that want to limit freedom of speech. Freedom of speech is a tenet and expression of a healthy democracy. That means Bill O' Reilly and Jerry Lewis are equals. What matters isn't what they say but the weight we give their words.

The dissolution of the family began long before we had TVs in our homes and computers on our laps. In fact,information and access to information is essential to us being good citizens. For all the whining you hear about the Media, what you are hearing are moans in disgust about the "mainstream" media. Well, there are other outlets for people to get information. In fact, the internet has INCREASED the availability of information to the people. Did you know the internet is used by rescue organizations and human rights groups?The Internet allows previously muted people a voice. It just requires an educated user and so begins the slippery slope.

I am not going to bore you with a discourse on the dumbing down of America. Hell, living in Berkley, I am sure you are constantly bombarded with all kinds of rhetoric. Sure, it would be wonderful if mainstream media outlets gave joe average instant access to truth. But the truth is that we as a people have become lazy and complacent. The draining of funding for public schools has taken the fundamental out of fundamental education. Schools should be a place where thinking is encouraged and the seeds which lead to self cultivation are born.

If you are going to make a statement by deleting myspace-do it. You are free to do so. That doesn't somehow make your hands clean or really prove anything. Friendster and Facebook have all been bought out and are linked to big corporate entities.

While you are at it. Give up your dreams about making film. Even indie companies are linked to larger media houses.

Actually, while we are on the subject, why don't you start making your own clothes and farming your own food.

Come on, babe. I get that even small acts of activism are important. I just found the your email factually inaccurate and irrational.

"People's current diet of sex and violence are at such high levels that they cannot think clearly or make as rational decisions."

This statement is inflammatory and flawed.

You hate TV. I get it,but you are viewing TV as the cause of all the worlds' problems, and not a symptom.You could just as easily argue that women entering the workplace has aided in the destruction of society. You could say that work has shaved down the mothers role as caregiver and stabilizing unit in the home and, in turn, creating a vacuum where TV becomes a surrogate. That would be more supported by facts than what you said.

I don't want you to take this as an assault on you personally. I am more concerned with you, as an educated knowledge seeker, to do just that.

Read.Check your facts. Do you know the history of the "Wall Street Journal"? It was founded by Conservatives Google Bernard Kilgore. Rupert Murdoch isn't going to cause any shake-ups with his buy-out. It has always been a paper of the rich for the rich.

Okay. This was some fun banter. I hope you are well and thinking as freely as you speak(: I look forward to your response.

I was quite surprised by some of your statements. If the clown thing doesn't work out, you could always get a job at Fox news. You got the rhetoric down pat.


1 comment:

Daniel Jimenez said...

I was just gonna say that I thought this should be a blog post. Well done, Mistress.