Friday, June 8, 2007

idle hands are the devil's workshop or woody allen's living room...status pending

these are emails I have actually sent in the last couple of days.


If love is a multi-faceted thing,we are all doomed.

The human experience that we call love is multifaceted, and human facets are personalities. so love is a mental illness.

if homosexuality was considered a form of crazy in the dsm until what? the 70s? why not love. It is chemical in a carnal animal way we can't understand in our homo sapien sapien is intellectual in a way we can't understand, because the mind can conceive or reach an understanding with anything but itself.

I love to love love but I have always failed to meets its challenged by its confines.Love leads to monogamy and monagamy leads to monotony and montony is why "Love is a Battlefield".

I think we should all take a lesson from Dante Algheri...who loved his Beatrice from a far...he watched her twitch on a balcony kitty corner to his, and we have poetry to show for it.

I don't know where I am going with this. I am in Vegas, I am desperately in love and it is like the plague but more painful and with less boils in my armpit

okay, I know you have been patient and what not...andI thank you for it...but...okay here I go.even though we have some great conversations...I amworried that if I really relax with you that I will offend you and we will go back to how things were whenI first got to I feel comfortable talking to you, but then assoon as I really feel comfortable I remind myself to not get too comfortable...because if i get flirty or say the wrong thing you'll close down.or maybe not. Idon't know but the not knowing is making me crazy. Ifeel out of control. generally I wouldn't let this kinda thing get to me,filing all things under "whats the worst that canhappen"..but overall I am emotional and thattranslates into a little crazy (:I feel guilty or uncomfortable when you make me feelgood. and that doesn't seem get this thinghere in vegas and i like that we can talk and showthings to each other. I wish I could just relax aboutit.are you relaxed about it?my respect for you isn't nostalgic, it is very much inthe present. I get excited when I think about what youare building...I can't figure out if you are arsonistor a contractor...are you starting fires or creatingdoors that the union walks through? or both. whichmakes are bi. bi-social activist.when you talked about the steel town becoming a made me swell with pride and excitement. Ihave looked at this time in history as beingdark...but you flipped it around and showed me exciting this time is. all this stuff is so intense. I had trouble sleepinglast night just thinking about all the possibilities.There is so much beauty and humanity in this work. Iliterally feel, pardon the cliche, like I am waking upfrom a coma.I tried to talk to lynn about this and she looked atme like I was nuts and then offered me a cookie (noshit). I am going to say what I have said since would be so much easier if we lived inthe same city. we could have the good without thecrazy. I think.

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