Republicans should be sacrificed to lions like the Christians of old
Since 9/11, in a move that I find absolutely ironic all considering, The Right has been gutting the already limited funds to planned parenthood, making contraception more expensive and less available while pumping more money into abstinence education.This is coming from a group of men who don't even know the meaning of monogamy, no less abstinence.
While making sure the health insurance few of have will no longer pay for our birth control pills, our right to reproductive freedom is being assaulted and legislation has been popping up making sex toys contraband.That puts us right on par with, oh...I don't know...The Taleban. Good work, GOP!
Now there is a bill up before congress to fund contraception abroad. Though I have no problem with the bill at its face and the reasoning that there will be less reason for abortion if people have access to birth control sounds okay to me. My issue is why would we fund these programs abroad while not affording American women with same opportunity?
It is pretty simple. We don't care about what good could come from women being educated about sex and contraception. It is about control. It is about cultural imperialism. It is about limiting the growth of unsavory populations. If was about the people there would be a more cohesive plan of attack in Africa, where HIV/AIDS is through the roof and drug companies refuse to allow drug cocktails to be released in a generic form. It is more profitable to keep the drugs scarce while letting people die. I mean, who cares about poor people? And poor black people-invisible. They were born statistics.
Bush has been quoted in saying that limiting abortion protects women and children? Does it? Does limiting sexual education and freedom protect women, especially women with a lower social economic status?
The only way to make an informed decision is access to information. Since 9/11 access to information has been truncated to the point of non-existance. We have no idea what is going on. The last thing I saw on CNN was a bit talking about most journalists are liberal/ give money to liberal causes.
I also found it interesting that we are pumping money to fund democratic intiatives in Cuba, where, regardless of how you feel about communism or Castro, they have a more comprehensive health care program and Cuban literacy rates shame our own.
When was the last time we intervened abroad and actually provided aid-actually HELPED people?
Any thoughts?