Thursday, June 21, 2007

Republicans should be sacrificed to lions like the Christians of old

Since 9/11, in a move that I find absolutely ironic all considering, The Right has been gutting the already limited funds to planned parenthood, making contraception more expensive and less available while pumping more money into abstinence education.This is coming from a group of men who don't even know the meaning of monogamy, no less abstinence.

While making sure the health insurance few of have will no longer pay for our birth control pills, our right to reproductive freedom is being assaulted and legislation has been popping up making sex toys contraband.That puts us right on par with, oh...I don't know...The Taleban. Good work, GOP!

Now there is a bill up before congress to fund contraception abroad. Though I have no problem with the bill at its face and the reasoning that there will be less reason for abortion if people have access to birth control sounds okay to me. My issue is why would we fund these programs abroad while not affording American women with same opportunity?

It is pretty simple. We don't care about what good could come from women being educated about sex and contraception. It is about control. It is about cultural imperialism. It is about limiting the growth of unsavory populations. If was about the people there would be a more cohesive plan of attack in Africa, where HIV/AIDS is through the roof and drug companies refuse to allow drug cocktails to be released in a generic form. It is more profitable to keep the drugs scarce while letting people die. I mean, who cares about poor people? And poor black people-invisible. They were born statistics.

Bush has been quoted in saying that limiting abortion protects women and children? Does it? Does limiting sexual education and freedom protect women, especially women with a lower social economic status?

The only way to make an informed decision is access to information. Since 9/11 access to information has been truncated to the point of non-existance. We have no idea what is going on. The last thing I saw on CNN was a bit talking about most journalists are liberal/ give money to liberal causes.

I also found it interesting that we are pumping money to fund democratic intiatives in Cuba, where, regardless of how you feel about communism or Castro, they have a more comprehensive health care program and Cuban literacy rates shame our own.

When was the last time we intervened abroad and actually provided aid-actually HELPED people?

Any thoughts?

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

I was tagged

Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird, random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose 10 people to be tagged, list their names, and why you chose them to be tagged. Don't forget to leave a comment that says "you are tagged" on their profile and to read your latest blog. Have fun.


1. I love to experiment-drugs,gender, sexuality, identity- you name it. In fact, I see life as my own little sociological experiment where I am the (out of) control subject. Some of the experiments have been successful, the less successful ones make great stories.

2. I am a ridiculous vagabond drunk. Over the top silly. I have passed out in an airport in San Francisco, I have passed out while attempting to fellate a friend in an Amsterdamn hotel room.I passed out on a train in Spain and woke up in France. I made out with an indie rock drummer on a street corner in Oakland. I insulted that band "Live" in Memphis. I almost got arrested in Germany on an expired passport with 4 calabrians and a good bit of hash...I could go on for hours.

3. If you put the men I have dated in a line up, you couldn't connect the dots and find any commonality except for me. They have all been very different.A would be priest, a commie, a calabrian farm boy, a drug addled much older man, an aspiring clown...I see fire. I go to the flames. There is no rhyme or reason. I really don't have a type.

4. The White Stripes make my nipples hard. I hear that guitar and I am done.

5. I am a hermit. I really don't associate with anyone on my days off. Working in restaurants forces me to deal with people, lots of people, horrible horrible people everyday. I hear them calling for bread and refills in my sleep. It is hard to get me out of the house when I am not working.

6. When I am not working I am listening to music, watching law and order, and internet stalking. I read blogs and spend hours on myspace. It is pretty sick. It is like having contact with people without having to actual be with them.

7. I masturbate to internet porn.

8.Except for my almost manical love for foot wear, I am not materialistic at all. I left Memphis with what would fit in my pack-and haven't looked back. Any money I have had in the past has been spent on music, wine dinners, travel etc. I kinda want stuff, but I like the freedom not having stuff affords me.

9. I have never had a driver's license. I am scared to death of driving.

10. What I love about living in Italy, besides the cheese, is that Italians are total dorks. You will see some guy who looks like an extra from "Sid and Nancy" rocking out to some lame pop hit. People are more comfortable with themselves overall. They aren't afraid to be completely nerdy.


I tag:

Tom Foehner- because he was the first man to ever tag me (:

Bonnie Hilton-because she will have fun with this.

Liz Jones- because maybe she will finally clear up her cupcake fascination for me

Nerdia Yadorksky-the name says it all.

Tidy-because he likes to talk about himself

Red-because she is Italian

Spanky-because it would be a good excercise for him

Jennibean-because I think she has something to say

Amanda-because I want her to be able to reference it after she moves to Santa Cruz and takes a wife.

Montana-because she is crazy

I will never date again...I think

I used to think that being single was fun because I liked meeting new people. I liked the excitement of all of the firsts that come along with a new relationship. I'm just not feeling that way these days. It isn't as if I mind being on my own-in fact I don't think I mind enough...Just the idea of encountering a stranger and having to map them out psychologically and emotionally seems less exciting and more like work.

I am almost 30. I am a spinster by every definition. For any Italians reading this (io sono una zitella). I am more set in my ways and yet, still totally unimpressed with monogamy.

Oh, and I am strange. I have trouble behaving, I cook brunch for dinner, I am generally pretty gassy, if I drink end up using uncomfortable drunk words like "social economic status"and I am terrified of cars to the point that I still don't drive.

Any human that gets involved with me must:

be passionate about something. there has to be something that gets you out of bed.

be flawed and comfortable with those flaws.

needs to let me run when I need to run but still tell be able to tell me no.

not want to change me or view me as a wild horse that needs to be broken.

Must understand that my work is central to who I am and that work will come first sometimes. It doesn't mean that I don't love you, it just means I need to go.

you have to laugh. daily. If we can't laugh together-I don't care if you can make my toes curl. Though admittedly,I may call you from time to time to make my toes curl-I just won't date you per se.

Know that we won't be happy if we don't have a life away from each other. I am going to Italy and you may or may not be invited.

I am still friends with my exes. They are no threat to you. I have mostly guy friends. They are no threat to you... now that Brian is married. (:

Music. Gotta love it. The music thing is non-negotiable. Your taste must be eclectic...I fell in love with a guy because even though he generally listened to jam bands, we were out one night and a song by the Cramps came on the jukebox-he knew every word. That's really all it took.

You need to be able to relax in bed. Let loose and really surrender yourself.

You need to feel free. Whatever that means to you.

I picture old age as a porch, a garden, a couple of dogs and laughter. I want happy, well adjusted children and I want to give them the most precious gift my parents gave me: my independence.

You need to be able to seize the moment, to take silly and unnecessary spontaneous...

and most need to know when to leave.

Any questions?

Friday, June 8, 2007

idle hands are the devil's workshop or woody allen's living room...status pending

these are emails I have actually sent in the last couple of days.


If love is a multi-faceted thing,we are all doomed.

The human experience that we call love is multifaceted, and human facets are personalities. so love is a mental illness.

if homosexuality was considered a form of crazy in the dsm until what? the 70s? why not love. It is chemical in a carnal animal way we can't understand in our homo sapien sapien is intellectual in a way we can't understand, because the mind can conceive or reach an understanding with anything but itself.

I love to love love but I have always failed to meets its challenged by its confines.Love leads to monogamy and monagamy leads to monotony and montony is why "Love is a Battlefield".

I think we should all take a lesson from Dante Algheri...who loved his Beatrice from a far...he watched her twitch on a balcony kitty corner to his, and we have poetry to show for it.

I don't know where I am going with this. I am in Vegas, I am desperately in love and it is like the plague but more painful and with less boils in my armpit

okay, I know you have been patient and what not...andI thank you for it...but...okay here I go.even though we have some great conversations...I amworried that if I really relax with you that I will offend you and we will go back to how things were whenI first got to I feel comfortable talking to you, but then assoon as I really feel comfortable I remind myself to not get too comfortable...because if i get flirty or say the wrong thing you'll close down.or maybe not. Idon't know but the not knowing is making me crazy. Ifeel out of control. generally I wouldn't let this kinda thing get to me,filing all things under "whats the worst that canhappen"..but overall I am emotional and thattranslates into a little crazy (:I feel guilty or uncomfortable when you make me feelgood. and that doesn't seem get this thinghere in vegas and i like that we can talk and showthings to each other. I wish I could just relax aboutit.are you relaxed about it?my respect for you isn't nostalgic, it is very much inthe present. I get excited when I think about what youare building...I can't figure out if you are arsonistor a contractor...are you starting fires or creatingdoors that the union walks through? or both. whichmakes are bi. bi-social activist.when you talked about the steel town becoming a made me swell with pride and excitement. Ihave looked at this time in history as beingdark...but you flipped it around and showed me exciting this time is. all this stuff is so intense. I had trouble sleepinglast night just thinking about all the possibilities.There is so much beauty and humanity in this work. Iliterally feel, pardon the cliche, like I am waking upfrom a coma.I tried to talk to lynn about this and she looked atme like I was nuts and then offered me a cookie (noshit). I am going to say what I have said since would be so much easier if we lived inthe same city. we could have the good without thecrazy. I think.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Self indulgent blog about nothing.

Since I have been in Vegas I have been spending most of my time alone. My job limits my interaction with people and what boundaries work doesn't present-I do. Still making sense of this place, I find myself taking on a very pedestrian role in my personal life. So I people watch, more than usual-which is borderline excessive to begin with. I have come to a very obvious conclusion about Vegas-it is full of freaks.

There are all these things that make this city more odd than others-and I don't think it stems from the obvious, ya know...hookers,the mafia etc.

Riding the bus here is an adventure that I can't even begin to share with you. people party at the bus stops...not people taking the bus,but just random folks..

I have seen people smoking meth from a glass dick, doing bumps off a switchblade, drinking beer until they vomit...people talking to cars, running down the street playing newspaper vending machines like bongos...I have met asian cooks named charlie...sat next to yacked out jesus freaks...I have watched a deaf sanitation man get really mad about....well...something...I had a man sit next next to me and I couldn't tell if he had the shakes or was jerking off, at any rate when he finished the twitching he held his hands as if they were paws and he was a dog begging...for the entire bus ride.

and then there is me...floating out there among the flotsam and jetsom. When I ride the bus to work sun shadows the mountains and the panorama seems like a watercolor rendering of the skyline...the only thing that makes it all come back to reality is the Stratosphere Hotel...which rides the skyline like a huge cock.

oh and I need cock. just throwing that out there.