Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The latest

This is my apathetic roommate and the latest pic of moi! My pic was taken before going to see an indie rock show...The pic of my roommie, well it could have been taken at any time, he is doing what he does best!

Bring it...

Revolution et al...
So what is going to happen? What do you think we need?
This election his kept me glued to MSNBC and this is is such a weird time. I feel like we are moving forward because we are moving backwards...
The war, the economy, the gas crisis, Iran and even the escalation in Lebanon-These were front pages news in 1975.Though we were pulling out of Vietnam, and I see no end to Iraq...
If history repeats itself,the 70s were followed by the conservative, narcisistic 80s...but we have been living with that conservatism since 9/11 and we never let go of that narcisism.
we have the juxtaposition of a the possibility of a black president and the possibility of women losing their right to choose. Which however you feel about abortion, is a step backward. Roe v. Wade is about our right to govern our own lives.
You have the resurgence of the union movement, as unions have finally understood that our economy is no longer based on heavy industry but the service industry.So,while the UAW and Teamsters wane, SEIU AFSCME, and UNITE-HERE gain momentum.
But we also have the decline in education,a movement to teach intelligent design or creation in lieu of evolution. And the legalization of Gay marriage/civil unions.
It seems, depending on class or location, we are either on the brink of revolution or fascism!
I am confused. I don't know what is next. If you follow history, or have read up on your Marx- change happens in the extremes, then the pendulum swings...it is the bougeoisie that sets it all in motion-which are Obama's demographic, ironically.
The conservative christian movement blows my mind. Attacking McCain, who is served this country, was a pow, and is a total patriot-is unseemingly. Plus,true christians aren't hateful and true republicans don't want the government having its hands in every aspect of their lives. It doesn't make sense. Then you have the real nut jobs who blow up abortion clinics or protest at the funerals of fallen soldiers, because we are war because god hates the gays. In Tennessee that was happening alot. Oh, and crusty old southern guys trying to make vibrators contraband-citing the downfall of the family and promiscuity-which I am sure puts us right on par with radical islam-nice work guys!
so? any thoughts?

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Follow my lead

Terminal Uniqueness,
As if fog, it rolls in
And you try
In the moment
just passing,seeping through
your secrets, places
she has left you
unravelling the desert
Here, with me
In my bed, searching
For answers
which sometimes come
in cobblestones, crumbling
faded patinas
and other times
the answers come
long before the question
leaving you,
in that silence
As you navigate
your seasons, echoes
what remains
soft, if intangible
like the desert
Mine, for a moment
you were
obtuse, naked
piece by piece
moving inside me
and I
lay there watching
as you moved
memorizing, thinking
that you
was something I wanted
to protect
because we forget
Our skin
that it isn't armor
but essence-
It breathes
comes to life as we do
And we recognize each other
Through our fingertips
passing over
jagged edges,
in favor of places still
soft,if intangible
your eyes now
just broken windows
that let strangers slip in
and live
with her ghost
casting a shadow bigger
Than two people
can make in the dark
but I tried
you said
you couldn't
but you did-
living in the moment
just long enough
to leave me
a future-
but hey, I'm on your side
5/8/08 8:49 pm-Vegas